Hi all Thank you for visiting my blog.
With more than 15 years of teaching experiences, I have motivated numerous students to achieve their personal goals in life which includes Scoring A in their examination and be an all rounder in life.

Through my experiences, I have discovered that majority of the students usually do not have the time to study as they are forced to go through multiple term tests and examinations. On top of that, they still need to utilise their precious time for their CCAs and community works. So there is really no time for them to do revision. Furthermore, with such a limited time available, they still need to memorise all those difficult and dry concepts just hope to pass their tests. What a sad scenario. Sigh! They really don't know the joy of studying!

With all these in mind, I have developed a learning strategy called "Reduce, Reduce, Reduce. Expand, Expand, Expand" Methodology for all my students, so as to cut short their learning curve and to achieve the best results in the most efficient and effective way.
This learning strategy has indeed shown fantastic results with my students scoring flying colours in their examinations. They are becoming more motivated and have clearer direction in life and in their studies. Bravo! I have indeed making Miracles in life!

Coupled with this learning strategy, I have also developed a series of motivational programmes for all my students as to inspire and motivate them towards reaching personal goals in life. You can actually see them changing for a better person and they are more focused and know what they want in Life.
Last but not least, I would like to thank all my students and their parents for giving me such a Wonderful life that I have lead thus far. Thank you and I really appreciate it.

Charles Ang ~ Life Coach and Tutor for Cambridge EduBest